Hi Gal's, sorry it has been a while since my last post, I have been in the thick of having my home redecorated and working on the rebranding of my website, where the time disappeared to who knows! Anyway thank-you for your patience and enough of my melodrama! I have a couple of neat ideas (hee hee) to help you, detox your wardrobe/closet.
Two great places to begin this cleansing process are firstly with what I like to call clothing maths, go to your wardrobe/closet and being totally honnest with yourself, extract any item which you have not worn for around three months or longer, to be entered into a clothes swap!
So for those of you who don't know, what a clothing swap is? Well it's simply an informal event, where women bring item's of clothing they no longer wear, to pool them and in return pick up hopefully something that they love, that works for them .
My top tips if you decide to host a clothes swap are-
1. Make sure gal's rsvp
2. Depending on numbers of gal's get your hands on as many full length mirrors as possible, borrowed of course, you could even suggest a few gal's bring one along on the night before.
3. Hanging space is important, if you live in a warm climate with a large garden, why not use that space instead? String pretty bunting or garden twine along the length of the garden and hook or peg items of clothing to it.Your summer house, or gazebo can double as changing room space.
4.It might be useful to provide a basket of cheap tape measure's not everone knows there vital statistics and the last thing you want, is to trade one ill fitting garment for another!
5. Lighting is important so you can tell if a colour works or is making you look washed out.
6.Lot's of carrier bags are a good idea to collect your booty in and to take home!
7. Try to restrict yourself to taking items of clothing that you know will work with at least four items are in your wardrobe/closet. Obviously with dresses it is more about the right shoe's to pull the look off.
8. Be honnest about your shape, if you have a few lumps and bumps try to avoid fabrics that cling like polyester and steer yourself towards light knit, denium, cotton and silk.
9. If you find yourself trading black for more black stop! Be brave and opt for a colour or pattern.
10. It's worth taking guest's sizes,when putting together your guest list.Waiting till you have enough gal's interested in the right sizes, will pay off, as if you don't have enough guests of the same size you will have some dissatisfied gal's who leave with nothing.
Ok gal's now your on board with the whole swaping thing.I would love to know if you think you might hold one, in your part of the world? Or if you have already done so!
I also need your opinions regarding an idea I have had-
I 'm thinking of going green and extending the range of services I offer, by offering myself for hire at clothes Swapping parties. What do you think? Would you like a professional stylist there on hand and what would you be happy to pay, to have access to this service for say 3 - 4 hours? I really apreciate your honest feed back, thanks gal's you really are the best!
Ok my 2nd option to help you begin your wardrobe/closets detox and energise your look, is to include some fairtrade items. Here a few of my favourite picks from People Tree, fresh in. I don't often feature out of stock items, but this Malilbu Geometic Print, was such a gorgeous example of People Trees tribal look this season, I could not resist, enjoy the rest of the round up.

Have a Stylish day!
Sharon x
Bonjour Sharon,
Swaps are popular in Paris, a good idea. I think it's a great idea to offer your services - it would be a treat for everyone to have access to a professional opinion in a relaxed atmosphere. Sorry I gor a bit behind again in visiting my blogger friends.
great idea - I couldn't swap shoes but anything else - sure !
What a super fun idea!
I swap with my friends and sister. : ) this way, i get lots of clothes for a fraction of the price.
Fun idea! :)
That blue dress is amazing! I love it!
GREAT idea!!!! we swap all the time =) love your blog!
stop by our fashion blog, we are giving away designer glasses. we hope you love it !
xx .sabo skirt.
Another useful post. You keep churning out some good info!
fashionable frolickers
This chic little rectangle is just waiting to be filled with your thoughts ....