I finally got to make my long-awaited pilgrimage to Choccywoccydoodah in Brighton the makers of all things fun-loving and chocolate. I was on a mission in my camper to pick up one of the house style birthday cakes, but first I had to try to penetrate through the thick gloopy gauze of cobwebs that had been lovingly draped over this year's Halloween display in their shop window; devotees of the Choccy series will know that nearly all the Choccy family
(sorry these are real humans I'm referring to, not hollow chocolate figures wrapped in foil) are dog owners, so some how chocolate dogs, including my favourite Westy and French poodles with a full head of marshmallow curls always seem to feature in every window display theme alongside other shamazing creations that Dave the head designer has sculpted, such as this years chocolate graveyard.
Did you do anything fun this Halloween?
(sorry these are real humans I'm referring to, not hollow chocolate figures wrapped in foil) are dog owners, so some how chocolate dogs, including my favourite Westy and French poodles with a full head of marshmallow curls always seem to feature in every window display theme alongside other shamazing creations that Dave the head designer has sculpted, such as this years chocolate graveyard.
Did you do anything fun this Halloween?
fashionable frolickers
This chic little rectangle is just waiting to be filled with your thoughts ....