After an extended blogging break, I’m feeling frisky and ready to tell it how it is. This post is dedicated to all of you out there with naturally curly hair who would love to try out a straight slinky fringe of Claudia Winkleman proportions. You may have fought bravely with a pair of hair straighteners and either lost or felt that naturally curly hair is better than crimped and fried hair.
I suffer from wavy shoulder length hair to which all my super sleek, straight haired friends roll their eye balls. It was a killer blow to be told by my hairdresser recently over a latte that my hairline is unusual, in that my hair actually grows backwards from my face, so creating a fringe was impossible (the word impossible is so much easier to swallow if pronounced in French believe me) for me to achieve even with the aid of a pair of ghd straighteners.
I’m a great believer in substitution, so I made a quick recovery from the chair and decided that I needed “bring it” as they say on The Face by giving up my wish for a choppy fringe for a shopping trip to seek out some fashionable fringing that would allow me to sashay and swish as I walk.
Here's what made my shopping list, for daytime and evening, although I was a little surprised that there seems to be such a high price tag on this seasons classic long black fringed skirt, which I definitely want to include in my line up - my top tip, buy a straight black non stretch black skirt and head over to ebay to the curtain fringing section. Measure the width of your hemline and then sew the string fringing just above the hemline and trim to your desired length!

fashionable frolickers
This chic little rectangle is just waiting to be filled with your thoughts ....