Hi again, as a Style Consultant, I get to see inside of the wardrobes of women who have asked me to rescue their languishing closet and themselves to turn them from shabby to chic.I love seeing the delighted look on their faces when they realise, that items of clothing that they haven't worn for months could become key clothing items when transformed with the right pieces.
I also advise a little TLC, for their wardrobe, it might sound obvious but a well managed wardrobe that has been decluttered will help create a stress free morning whether your dressing for a day at the office or preparing to go to your local toddler group. I think the biggest wardrobe crime is having in effect two wardrobes existing as one, your dresses mixed in amongst your partners shirts. Even if you don't have the luxury of wall to wall wardrobe space, your clothing space needs to be dedicated solely to you. This allows you to have a clear handle on what clothing you have and how to to make sense of dressing whatever the occasion.
To inspire you, I had to share these lovely snaps of my friend Carols romantic vintage bedroom complete with Wardrobe, dressing table, art deco wall vases and a sprinkle of sweet flourishes here and there.I would love to see any snaps of Wardrobes or full on boudoirs, that you might like to share, please email them to sharonstyle@fsmail.net to have them featured on the site.
Sharon x
really cute
fashionable frolickers
This chic little rectangle is just waiting to be filled with your thoughts ....