12 May 2010

I Need Your Advice- Can You Tell Me What You Think x

I wonder if you might help me pleeease, I am in the process of rebranding my website, not my blog, and I was recently lucky enough to be photographed by talented fashion photographer James Nader, the photographer for Gok Wans show, How To Look Good Naked. I am in the process of trying to decide which shot of the two below to use for my front page, what do you gal's think? I would really appreciate your opinion on this one.

James Nader

Gok Wan

One of James Naders Iconic Shots

Shot 1 of me in profile

shot 2 of me

                                        Sharon x


Johnny said...

Love them both Sharon, x.
So I guess it depends on the colour scheme of your web design.

Johnny said...

Second thoughts, I'd go with shot 2 - more direct, makes eye contact with the viewer!

Unknown said...

Shot 2 of your lovely self, Sharon. You look beautiful xx

VM Creation Atelier said...

Dear Sharon!-)*
You looks so beauty on these photos(number2)...
And the background is truly very impressed me,I think that is good to imagine who you are,fantastic photos both!!!

Love and care,

iheartart said...

Sharon they are both beautiful shots but for some reason the first really speaks to me. By the way, I knew you would look as lovely as you do..... love Katie

Sher said...

I think I'm not making it any easier on you, Sharon but I'll pick shot 1! I love the angle and your beautiful side profile:)


Sarah said...

They're both great, but I'm voting shot one. It's different and your facial expression is beautiful.


koralee said...

Oh Sharon..I adore them both but #1 is my favourite...you look amazing. xoxoxo

Olivia said...

I like the profile one!! :)

women's shoes said...

i love the first shot better, sharon. it looks like you're more relaxed. :)

Kelly and Sara said...

I like number 1 better. You stand out more in 1 and don't look as washed in with the background. You deserve to stand out!

JESSICA said...

love them! :)


Unknown said...

Shot 1, your clothes make you blend into the background too much in shot 2.

Indy said...

Ooo, what an honor! I would have to say the first one is my favorite! Although both are fantastic and it's hard to choose!

Thank you so much for the mini feature - you are always so kind!

Also, I cannot get over your blog backgroud...it's fantastic!

Erica Cook said...

So pretty! xo

Erica Cook said...

ok read more of your blog... it's great. Will be following. xo Erica
ps- the first photo has a nice feel because of the door behind... kinda says come on in.

come play!

Anonymous said...

ooh, it is lovely to see the face behind my passport to style. love both shots by nader, i am thinking you should go with the no. 1 cause of what the look represents or feels to me, it's like it's saying "this is me, what i love and do." but either one will do great.


Monika said...

They are both so lovely, but I would go for no. 1!

Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Woaah Sharon you gorgeous lady you! I have missed out on all kinds in my absence the past week or two. Firstly I hope you are really well and secondly these pictures are stunning, I love LOVE love the first one (in profile) the lighting is fab. Right I am off to have a proper catch up now -Kisses Kitty xxx

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

They're both gorgeous, but I like the first one the best!

fashionable frolickers

This chic little rectangle is just waiting to be filled with your thoughts ....